Interactive Workshop - Reimagining Relationships

Reimagining Relationships: an interactive workshop on the healthy ways of being in the relationships and communities we cherish. 
Facilitated by Sulaiman Hyatt

An entertaining journey of exploring what's in our relationship toolboxes, and inviting our energy to unpack the tools that no longer serve us, and pack up the tools and techniques that can help us sustain healthy communities and deal with relationship rupture and conflict.

This is a FREE workshop 

Lunch will be included for all those who have paid for the full batizado event.  
Lunch is $10 for everyone else.

Sulaiman Hyatt is a longtime community activist/organizer. He is a conflict resolution specialist and certified mediator working under the San Francisco Bar Association. He currently works as an organizer building community in public housing in SF. He intentionally focuses his time and energy with communities that have been the recipients of generational violence and oppression. 

Zoom option for those that can't attend in person: 

Date: October 21, 2023
Time: 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM
Location: Main Location
1901 San Pablo Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94702 US
Event Price: FREE

Registration is closed for this event.